Sassy Strategies: Unleashing the Power of Per Square Inch Pricing for Your Masterpieces

Hey there, Artsy Souls! I’m ready and I’m GOING THERE! Let’s dive into the fierce and fabulous world of pricing your art using - that’s right, a formula. Buckle up because we're about to turn that masterpiece into a moneymaker, and we're doing it with a provision for sass!

The Art of Valuing Your Craft

Let's kick things off with a truth bomb: valuing your art is an art in itself. It's not just about slapping a price tag; it's about recognizing the skill you’ve developed over years, the emotion, and the pure magic you infuse into every interaction. And guess what? You deserve to be PAID!

The Per Square Inch Revolution

Now, here's where the sanity-salvation comes in – the per square inch pricing strategy. It's like the secret sauce that makes pricing your artwork simple and banishes indecision. So, how does it work? Imagine breaking down your art into bite-sized, measurable chunks – that's your square inches. It's simple, effective, and it's going to revolutionize the way you price your pieces.

My advice is to start with your FAVOURITE piece. Sit before it and imagine letting it go in exchange for [insert any amount]. Watch it go. Imagine the cold hard cash in your hand. Imagine how far it would go to cover a bill. Does it feel like a fair exchange? Does it FEEEEEEL good and expansive and delicious? If the answer is YES, measure that canvas and calculate the total square inches. See, we DID NEED MATH CLASS! Just not the algebra and differential equations. Lol

For example, you felt $1000 is a good price for your favourite artwork on a 10x20 inch canvas. Find the number of square inches (multiply 10 by 20) = 200 sq inches, so your rate is $5 per square inch.

(This is just an example! My rate is $2.40/sq inch)

let’s be clear

Step 1: Measure, Measure, Measure!

Just in case you missed it the first time, grab that measuring tape and measure the width and height of your artwork. Multiply those bad boys, and voila! You've got your total square inches. Easy, right? Sass level: Beginner.

Step 2: Setting Your Base Price

Now, let's talk base price. This is the price you'd assign to a piece that's, say, 100 square inches. It's like your art's starting salary. The trick is to find that sweet spot that makes you feel like a boss and your clients feel like they're getting a steal. Sass level: Intermediate.

Step 3: (Optional) The Sass Factor

Just in case you’re worried that some pieces might include pricier materials and should be priced higher, or they are extra super special in some other way, this is how to factor in that sass – the Sass Factor, if you will. Consider factors like your skill level, the 24 carat gold you used, the complexity of the piece, and how much soul you poured into it. If it's a piece that could stop traffic, crank up that Sass Factor, and add a little extra to the base price. You're not just selling art; you're selling a precious piece of your unique soul, and that, my friend, is priceless. Sass level: Expert.

Overcoming the Pricing Jitters

Let's address the elephant in the room – pricing anxiety. It happens to the best of us, but guess what? Your art is unique, and so is your pricing. Own it! Here's a little secret: Confidence is your BFF in the pricing game. When you believe in the value of your work, others will too. Sass level: Prodigy.

Perks of the Per Square Inch Sassiness

1. Consistency is Key

Ever priced a small piece and then scratched your head when pricing a larger one? The per square inch formula brings consistency to your pricing game. Whether it's a tiny treasure or a grand masterpiece, the formula keeps things fair and square. Sass level: Structured Chic.

2. Flexibility to Fit Your Style

One size does not fit all – especially in the art world. The per square inch pricing lets you tailor your prices to fit your unique style and artistic journey. Feeling experimental? Adjust that Sass Factor and watch your pricing evolve with you. Sass level: Artistic Maverick.

3. It Grows with You

As your skills level up and your artistic voice gets louder, so should your prices. The per square inch formula grows with you, ensuring that your financial success mirrors your artistic success. Sass level: Rising Star.

Real Talk: Client Perceptions

Now, let's chat about how clients perceive your pricing. When you confidently present your pricing using the per square inch formula, it communicates professionalism. Clients appreciate transparency, and breaking down your pricing into square inches demystifies the process. It's not just a number; it's a calculation based on the tangible size of the art. Sass level: Business Savvy.

Putting Sass into Action

Let's walk through a real-world scenario. Picture this: you've just finished a mesmerizing 200-square-inch piece that's an explosion of color and emotion. Your base price for 100 square inches is $5 per square inch. Now, add your Sass Factor – let's say a solid 20% because, let's be real, this piece is a showstopper.

Base Price for 200 sq inches = $5 x 200 = 1000

Sass Factor (20%) = $1000 x 0.2 = $200 Total Price = $1000 + $200 = $1200

Boom! You've just priced your masterpiece using the per square inch formula. And the best part? It's a number that reflects the true value of your art. Sass level: Master Artist.

Addressing Common Concerns

1. "But What if My Art is Simple?"

Simple doesn't mean it lacks value. If your art is a minimalist masterpiece, own it! Adjust your base price accordingly, and let the simplicity shine.

2. "Will Clients Get It?"

Absolutely! Break it down for them. Explain the per square inch method and how it ensures a fair and transparent pricing structure. Clients appreciate honesty, and it shows them that you've put thought into valuing your work.

3. "Isn't It Complicated?"

Nope! Quite the opposite! Once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature. It's a straightforward method that brings structure to your pricing without sacrificing your artistic flair. And with Sass Factor, you get to add extra value if its called-for! Honestly, I haven’t felt like I needed to alter anything because my rate just feels juicy, rewarding and expansive as it is! But Sass Factor is there if anyone needs it.

Sass and Success: The Perfect Duo

In conclusion, the per square inch pricing strategy is your secret weapon for turning your art into a clear cut financial powerhouse. Where there is CLARITY, there is POWER. It's sassy, it's transparent, and most importantly, it's tailored to you, right where you are. So, let that brush dance, flirting with all the square inches, and watch as your art and your bank account become the ultimate power couple.

Remember, you're not just pricing art; you're pricing a postcard from your soul.

Embrace the VALUE with all your heart if it is properly infused it with your essence! If it is NOT properly infused, then you need to go back and do some more digging, my friend. Make a stronger connection to you authentic voice- the only way to unveil the genuine worth of your artistic brilliance.

Stay true to your “soul speak”, radiate that magnificent energy, and watch as those art pieces become a profound expression – not only on your canvas but also in the abundant flow of your bank account. It’s magnetic! Let your art tell a story that goes beyond the strokes, resonating with the kindred hearts of the world and affirming the inherent value of your creative spark.


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