A Story About My Podcast Interview with Guest Artist Misha Harrison

Honestly my Friend, energy can really get low before we know it.
(I believe that's how we know we are doing it wrong in this society... reply and we can resonate if you like)

It has done so a few times since I blogged to you last..

One such morning I had a podcast interview scheduled with artist Misha Harrison (my VERY FIRST INTERVIEW!) and I knew this lady was an extraordinarily busy person, so I felt reluctant to postpone it.

I hauled my body from the bed and did some stretches and breathwork, but still felt out-of-sorts.

Should I still do this? Maybe I won't be sparkly enough.

YES!! I went for it and boy was I glad I did.

The Thing is... we reeeally actually need each other.

We spark each other, don't we?

It wasn't long into the chat that I felt like myself again and enjoyed the convo with Misha as much as if we were childhood besties catching up for the first time in years.

Imagine if I had said NO...
If I had stayed in my comfortable place and licked my energetic wounds?

I wouldn't have had this episode for you, or this vulnerable story of triumph to go with it.

Enough about me - this beauty is Misha Harrison, the 3D woodcut artist with an intriguingly unique style which has emerged from one heck-of-an exploration journey through many different media and styles.

Just wait until you SEE THIS!

Check out the art and then come listen, K?


In this episode we discuss the importance of

  • exploration to find what sets your soul on fire

  • finding work to do that you can believe in and speak about with confidence and ownership

  • getting used to rejection and staying motivated

  • doing whatever it takes to "make it" as an artist and pioneering your art career

We also delve into the pros and cons of gallery representation and Misha shares the evolution of her unique style and the exciting opportunities that have opened up for her - gallery representations, competitions and a feature by tool brand Ryobi.

I LOVED this chat! I even spent time editing and adding music.. You might be proud of me.. hah - do let me know if you are. It always helps.


Sassy Strategies: Unleashing the Power of Per Square Inch Pricing for Your Masterpieces