Abstract Refinery Artist Launch

Something truly wonderful has been brewing...

Hey Beautiful YOU!

Well, THIS is an exciting day!

A day that four fabulously dedicated women have been working towards for MONTHS.

(The Abstract Refinery is an intensive, small group coaching experience focused on improving and refining abstract art to a highly saleable standard. Please note that the pieces we are about to show you are available for sale.

I had a hard time choosing which pieces to showcase in this email so please pop through their links to see more.)

It was deeply beautiful to watch Helen process and make the authentic connection with her inner child - the purest part of her- with grace and resolve.

It is a brave and admirable thing to realise that there is Something specific needing to be unearthed and pushing through despite the pain of it.

To stop forcing an expectation and allow an authentic (and overdue) unfurling to burst forth instead.

I celebrate Helen for her courage and for her wonderfully authentic art.

This lady battled to birth this art and it's as if the birth story is written there in nostalgic colour combos and innocently expressive fingerprints.


It's such a joy to have a client like Valérie join an intensive program like this.

She is so ready to learn, to explore and push hard to get to the other side of frustration where all the wonder lies! The development and breakthroughs we experienced together I will remember with fondness.

Thank YOU Valérie for trusting me with guiding you through your precious creative unfurling. It's just amazing to see what has flowed from your hands.

AND you did all this while looking after your family and that is no small feat! I think it is remarkable that you accomplished so much painting during our time together. You have come SUCH a long way!

I celebrate you for your wonderfully authentic discoveries, your excellent questions and observations (which also kept me developing myself too!) and I am excited because I know that wonderful things are coming for you.

Congratulations, Valérie!

It was delightful to have Katie join the Abstract Refinery as she had been a client previously and we already had joyful interactions as it was!

I can't say this enough... to have someone trust me so implicitly and do the work and see themselves accomplish more than they could imagine for themselves... THIS is so fabulously rewarding and energising!

Katie I am celebrating you for your courage to develop this love at the same time as nursing small children! It's no small thing to care for little ones all day (and night) and still make time to explore the inky mysteries of your heart and soul.

Katie switched aesthetic a few times and eventually found colours that sang to her.

So proud of you for pushing your process and FINDING the clues for art that is energising, expressive and super unique.

Well done!

I am so excited to see what will flow forth from you next.

Raelene has now completed nearly every course/program/live event I have offered! It's feeling like we go WAY back, right Raelene?!

It was such a joy to see Raelene push through the challenges and uncertainty during The Abstract Refinery. It really does meet you where you're at and stretch you into unchartered realms of processing.

There were times she questioned everything but found the courage to pick the brush up and wrestle again to find this flow!

Raelene has a family to care for, too, and I celebrate you Raelene for pursuing this dream and sacrificing for this. I saw your blood, sweat and tears a couple of times in this program and I have a standing ovation in my heart when I see where you arrived at in the end.

Except it's not the end!

It's just the BEGINNING....


THANK YOU to you fabulous women Helen, Valérie, Katie and Raelene for trusting me to develop and nurture you in 
The Abstract Refinery. It means everything to me to see you develop and transform... to guide you to breakthrough. We always feel a bit sad at the end of The Abstract Refinery program... the small group connection really does create precious community and I will miss our biweekly catchups so much.


This definitely is not the end!
It's definitely just The Beginning.

Thank YOU for being here to share this excitement with.
If you're interested in getting your own powerful art habit on, contact me here and together we can figure out the best path for you.

Peace on your heart and home,

Ange x


Healing My Education Wound


I have a podcast now!